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寻找 BIAI(第1页/共2页)

    The orphanage。。。。。。

    Smile after ”waiting for you”, the tears kept streaming down, eventually, she still miss him very much! Have been waiting for him, always loved him, always。。。。。。

    All of the orphanage children cry, this song, including Miss, love, and no one can understand the pain and tears, this song, only experienced people can listen to it。

    ”Sister, don't cry。” The girl suddenly came to smile, with my little lovely hand try to wipe the smile tears, however, a good wiping, the tears fell again。

    ”Little friends, do not rub, perhaps, crying, also can let your heart a little better。。。。。。” Smile with holding the girl's hand, softly said to the girl。

    ”Sister, rather, you teach us to sing the song?” The girl beckoned, want to smile to be happy。

    ”No, you can't sing, you know?” Smile serious said to the girl, because, to sing the song, the girl must pay a huge price is: ”dumb” in addition to try this taste people sing, without any side effects。

    ”Oh, sister, that you don't cry, okay?” The girl looked at the smiling, and thought, ”ah ~! I sing a song for you! This is what I intend to use this song to those beggars to hear, let them happy, now I sing to you。” The girl looked at the smiling。

    ”Good!” Smile at her。

    ”This song is called” what have to die。 ””

    ”What is to die。”

    Examination of what go to Si。

    I want to go home to make my dreams

    Even if the wind will be very big waves will be great

    But I had the strength

    The school doesn't let the hair of soil dregs

    Also tell your parents your child too poor

    Tube can not pull back to the farm。


    My music is occupied

    Variable geometry

    Triangular box bed


    Look at the clouds

    Blowing wind

    Humming a song

    I'm pleased

    And I'm not easy

    Test the whole grade first last

    I'm sorry I next to

    First I want to practice

    Examination of what go to Si。

    I want to go home to make my dreams

    Even if the wind will be very big waves will be great

    But I had the strength

    Don't let the school of hair

    Soil dregs

    Also tell your parents

    Your child is too poor

    Tube can not pull

    The home farm。


    Results are so important

    Be laughed at

    Really funny。

    Good grades

    It will be Diao

    There are flowers


    Of course I know

    In fact, I really have to

    To where you cannot see his

    Every day in order to dream in advance

    Never mind I can

    Examination of what go to Si。

    I'll go home

    For my dream

    Even if the wind will be very big

    The waves will be great

    But I had the strength

    Don't let the school of hair

    Soil dregs

    Also tell your parents

    Your child is too poor

    Tube can not pull

    The home farm。


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