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章节目录 附带第三卷预告用书卡(TCG描述)

    「EM( エンタメイト ) 輝塵 (きちり)の魔術師」

    娱乐伙伴 辉尘之魔术师

    星级4 属性暗(Level 4 / Dark)



    ← 0 (灵摆刻度/Pendulum Scale) 13 →


    灵摆效果(Pendulum Effect)

    ①:另一边的自己的灵摆区域有「魔术师」、「娱乐伙伴」、「霸王」卡存在的扬合才能发动。这张卡破坏,从额外卡组表侧表示的卡中选「娱乐伙伴 辉尘之魔术师」以外的1只灵摆怪兽加入手卡。

    (If you have a "Magi", "Performapal" or "Supreme King" card in your other Pendulum Zone: You  destroy this card, and if you do, you  add 1 Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to your hand, except "Performapal Bright Ash Magi".)



    (This card is always treated as a "Supreme King" card.)

    怪兽效果(Monster Effect)


    (If this card in your hand, you trol no cards on your field, when you will take battle damage more than 7900: You  Special Summon this card from your hand; thee the attack.)

    ②:这张卡召唤·特殊召唤的扬合发动,将额外卡组的1只「霸王龙 扎克」和扬上的这张卡除外,把1只12星以上的龙族融合·灵摆怪兽当作融合召唤从额外卡组特殊召唤。

    (If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: Banish this card your trol, plus 1 "Supreme King Z-ARC" from your Extra Deck; Special Summon 1 Level 12 her Dragon Fusion-Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck .(This is treated as a Fusion Summon.))

    ATK 1000 / DEF 1350



    覇王天竜 オンドアイズ ?アークラート?ドラゴン

    霸王天龙 异色眼弧光辉龙

    星级12 属性光(Level 12/ Light)


    (Dragon / Fusion / Pendulum / Effect)

    ←13 (灵摆刻度/Pendulum Scale) 13→


    (Cards your oppo trols ot activate their effects ,except Fusion, Syhchro, Pendulum and Xyz Monsters.)


    (Once per turn , when a Monster(s) is Special Summoned from your oppo Extra Deck to your oppo's Field: You egated the Special Summon. Then, Banish that Monster(s).)



    (4 Dragon Monsters (1 Fusion, 1 Synchro, 1 Xyz and 1 Pendulum))

    这个卡名在规则上当作「霸王龙 扎克」使用。这张卡不用融合召唤·灵摆召唤不能特殊召唤。

    (This card is always treated as "Supreme King Z-ARC".Must be Fusion or Pendulum Summoned.)


    (If this card is Special Summoned: Destroy all cards your oppo trols. Then, inflict damage to your oppo equal to the total inal ATK of the oppo's monsters Destroyed .)


    (Ued by other cards' Effects, ot be Tributed.)

    ③:这张卡战斗破坏对方怪兽时才能发动。从额外卡组·除外区把1只「霸王龙 扎克」无视召唤条件特殊召唤,那之后,这张卡破坏。

    (When this card destroys an oppo's monster by battle: You  Special Summon 1"Supreme King Z-ARC" from your Extra Deck or the Banished cards, ign its Summoning ditions. Theroy this card.)


    (If this card in the Monster Zone is destroyed: You  place this card in your Pendulum Zoheroy 1 card on the Field.)

    ATK 4000 / DEF 4000

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