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您现在的位置:都市言情小说 > 恶魔殿下的天使之吻 > 恶魔殿下的天使之吻第4卷 【爱神的眼泪ゅ Blank◎】
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恶魔殿下的天使之吻第4卷 【爱神的眼泪ゅ Blank◎】







    Bye Bye Bye


    when i see you

    looking back at me

    watching this eye still

    do your fingers

    and your eyes

    have told thousands lights

    but i cant tell this time

    what you really meant

    we've been crossing the wires

    and still no sparks

    lost in tight, falling apart

    we've been together forever tell me why why why

    tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye

    and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry

    not left me the city,you bye bye bye

    I can sing

    another broken song

    crying to hold on

    to your picture

    out of face

    you hide behind your face

    it is more than what i can take

    move around the people

    we've been crossing the wire

    and still no spark

    lost in tight

    falling apart

    we've been together forever tell me why why why

    tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye

    and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry

    not left me the city,you bye bye bye

    you left me hanging on the light

    why u still know my type

    you take a piss me

    you've been drving too slow

    so i gotta let you go

    before you break me

    em ayaah。。

    we've been together forever tell me why why why

    tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye

    and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry

    not left me the city,you bye bye bye

    we've been together forever tell me why why why

    tell me how could you turn around and say goodbye bye bye bye

    and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry

    not left me the city,you bye bye bye

    bye bye








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本站所收录恶魔殿下的天使之吻第4卷 【爱神的眼泪ゅ Blank◎】-恶魔殿下的天使之吻、书库评论及本站所做之广告均属其个人行为,与本站立场无关