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第1卷 第三十六章:紫凝的日记






    “Oh, how can I do ah? My father and mother perennial in foreign countries, they only know to make money, in their eyes only money and honor, never mind my brother and I, for three years I've never seen them, usually a call is in two words or three finished, his words not at home and the servant said, later if turns a mouth but trouble, and no friends, and who's to say? Only by yourself as rare treasures, be yourself as a good friend of the Yan, can not know how others think, he can't take myself as a friend? And he said, he would like to listen to? While my brother and I, have been for a long time, I don't know what the hell he I inappropriate when the sister, to me forever is a poker face, I really don't know what I did wrong, will let my brother to do this for me, I used to tell myself not to cry, but when a brother like that on me, the tear flows sneakingly again, I have more than once to ask about it, but I didn't have the courage, my brother and I between the diaphragm is the Great Rift Valley, has become a spectacle, I do not know whether the repair, God, please you fairly good? Would you please, let the love my brother come back(呵呵,我该怎么办啊?我的爸爸妈妈常年在国外,他们只知道挣钱,在他们眼里只有金钱和荣誉,从来没有管过我和哥哥,我已经三年没有见过他们了,平时打个电话都是三言两语完事,自己的话不能和家里的仆人说,日后要是翻起嘴来可是麻烦事,自己又没有什么要好的朋友,要和谁去说呢?唯一被自己当做稀世珍宝,被自己当做好朋友的风彦,可又不知道人家是怎么想的,他拿不拿自己当朋友?自己和他去说,他愿意听吗?而我和哥哥,已经持续这样很久了,我不知道他到底那我当不当妹妹,对我永远是一副扑克脸,我真的不知道自己到底做错了什么,会让哥哥这样对我,我曾经告诉自己不能哭,可当哥哥那样对我时,眼泪又不争气的流出来,我曾经不止一次想去问个究竟,可是却没那个勇气,我和哥哥之间的隔膜好似东非大裂谷,已经成了奇观,不知能否修补了,上天,请您公平一些好吗?请您开开恩,让那个疼爱我的哥哥回来吧~)



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