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您现在的位置:都市言情小说 > 复仇三公主的拽爱恋 > 第1卷 " 童 话 21℃比赛ing⑤(第1页/共2页)
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第1卷 " 童 话 21℃比赛ing⑤(第1页/共2页)


    “Avril Lavigne-Innocence

    Waking up I see that everything is ok

    The first time in my life

    and now it's so great

    Slowing down I look around

    and I am so amazed

    I think about the little things

    that make life great

    I wouldn't change a thing about it

    This is the best feeling

    This innocence is brilliant,

    I hope that it will stay

    This moment is perfect,

    please don't go away,

    I need you now

    And I'll hold on to it,

    don't you let it pass you by

    Album:The Best Damn Thing

    I found a place so safe,

    not a single tear

    The first time in my life

    and now it's so clear

    Feel calm I belong,

    I'm so happy here

    It's so strong

    and now I let myself be sincere

    I wouldn't change a thing about it

    This is the best feeling

    This innocence is brilliant,

    I hope that it will stay

    This moment is perfect,

    please don't go away,

    I need you now

    And I'll hold on to it,

    don't you let it pass you by

    It's the state of bliss you think

    you're dreaming

    It's the happiness inside

    that you're feeling

    It's so beautiful

    it makes you wanna cry

    It's the state of bliss you think

    you're dreaming

    It's the happiness inside

    that you're feeling

    It's so beautiful

    it makes you wanna cry

    It's so beautiful

    it makes you want to cry

    This innocence is brilliant,

    it makes you want to cry

    This innocence is brilliance,

    please don't go away

    Cause I need you now

    And I'll hold on to it,

    don't you let it pass you by

    This innocence is brilliant,

    I hope that it will stay

    This moment is perfect,

    please don't go away,

    I need you now

    And I'll hold on to it,

    don't you let it pass you by

    Avril Lavigne-Innocence

    Album:The Best Damn Thing。”




    “音乐停止了 引擎熄火了

    窒息的温柔 尖锐得赤裸

    一刀一刀往我心上割 往伤口裡戳

    那麽折磨 为了什麽

    别说你难过 别再安慰我

    最烂的理由 是你配不上我

    我没有你想像中脆弱 我会好好的

    没有什麽 罪不可赦

    再痛的痛哭泪水 换不回 一点点感动

    我不怪你 不是你的错

    再深的深情容忍 也不能 让你再爱我

    我不怪你 不是你的错

    别说你难过 别再安慰我

    最烂的理由 是你配不上我

    我没有你想像中脆弱 我会好好的

    没有什麽 罪不可赦

    再痛的痛哭泪水 换不回 一点点感动

    我不怪你 不是你的错

    再深的深情容忍 也不能 让你再爱我

    我不怪你 不是你的错

    再痛的痛哭泪水 换不回 一点点感动

    我不怪你 不是你的错

    再深的深情容忍 也不能 让你再爱我

    我不怪你 不是你的错

    我的世界 没有你 也许更辽阔

    就到这裡 错了又如何。”唱完,韩希沐笑着走下去,因为,她没有走调。平常人听,确实不赖,但是和沫比,她相差十万八千里。


    唯走上台,说:“内个,我要唱“I don't give’。”




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