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正文 第三十七章 准备出道【收藏加更】(第1页/共2页)





    “remembering me

    discover and see

    all over the world

    she's known as a girl

    to those who are free

    the mind shall be key

    forgotten as the past

    cause history will last

    god is a girl

    wherever you are

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    god is a girl

    whatever you say

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    god is a girl

    however you live

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    god is a girl

    she's only a girl

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    she wants to shine,forever in time

    she is so driven,she's always mine

    clearly and free,she wants you to be

    a part of the future,a girl like me

    there is a sky,illuminating us

    someone is out there,that we truly trust

    there is a rainbow,for you and me

    a beautiful sunrise eternally

    god is a girl

    wherever you are

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    god is a girl

    whatever you say

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    god is a girl

    however you live

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    god is a girl

    she's only a girl

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    god is a girl

    wherever you are

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    god is a girl

    whatever you say

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    god is a girl

    however you live

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    god is a girl

    she's only a girl

    do you believe it,can you receive it?

    god is a girl”

    《god is a girl》,的确是一首很好听的歌,不然,她不会选择这首来演唱……一曲完毕,台下掌声雷动,微微鞠躬,拿回u盘之后,便下了台,继续逛大街。


    那位男子似是看出了雪樱的疑问,说道,“hello。you sing songs are pleasant。”什么啊,原来是刚才那首歌啊……

    “thank you。”点头致谢,就想转身继续走,不过,那个男子出口拦住了雪樱……

    “are you interested in a star?”成为明星?眼前这人,是个经纪人吗?不过,做明星,生活应该会有趣一些……所以,点了点头。

    在那名经纪人看来,只不过是小孩子都想出名而已,所以接着问,“what's your name?”


    “later, i am your manager, after a few days, and i'm a trip back to headquarters。”说完,还递上一张名片,aaron吗?总部,还在英国?看来,又要离开这里了啊……









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